Don’t post your picture on forums

Published April 28th, 2007

Look, here’s the deal: Internet is not safe. So unless you don’t mind being photoshoped into a porn star, sultan, Batman or even Shrek, don’t post your picture on message boards or any other public place.
internet portrait: the source
internet portrait 1

internet portrait 2
internet portrait 3
internet portrait 4
internet portrait 5
internet portrait 6
internet portrait 8
internet portrait 9
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internet portrait 13
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internet portrait 17

These chops are mostly the works of the Off-Topic forum of, where the raw image first appeared in a “photoshop this fat kid” thread.

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  1. Jason on April 29, 2007

    Now little Hwuang is famous!

  2. David on April 29, 2007

    A clever demonstration of the power of digital editing. Should be a warning to everyone not to beieve what you see.

  3. Undead Crackwhore on April 29, 2007


  4. Required Name on May 1, 2007

    Actually, the deal is this: Don’t photoshop.

  5. Will on May 1, 2007

    Very talented work!

  6. KC on May 2, 2007

    hehz Hope the boy was never contemplating a life of crime.

  7. Ken E Bang Bang on May 4, 2007

    too fun-NEE!!! the basic instinct joint ain’t even right…

  8. Grillparzer on May 20, 2007

    I hope the boy isn’t contemplating a life at all.

  9. Tess on May 23, 2007

    Famous, without even having to pay for headshots

  10. jordan on April 28, 2009

    i particularly like the “regoras” picture

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