How to tie your shoe laces
Published June 30th, 2008

The techniques are explained thoroughly on Sneaker Freaker.
You can also see more from the original source – Ian’s Shoelace Site.
The techniques are explained thoroughly on Sneaker Freaker.
You can also see more from the original source – Ian’s Shoelace Site.
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Brian Megilligan on July 20, 2008
This is very cool! Thanks!
Adam on July 20, 2008
Haha, thats awesome. I’ve definitely used a number of these ways back in the day.
Anon on July 20, 2008
There are many more styles and types then just these ones
Anon on July 20, 2008
There Are So Many More Then These Ones.
shawn on July 20, 2008
Cool.. new laces are always cool.. i saw a post in BobbieDawn yesterday that was kind of similar.. take a look at her new DC’s.. very cool..
First mann on July 21, 2008
Heeey, im the first
Some of the “tieing -methodes” are pretty cool
Dan on July 21, 2008
that is so awesome
Gagan on July 21, 2008
very nice !!
a very very nice post !!!
Ramesh on July 21, 2008
Nice pictures. I like the checkboard style.
acharis on July 21, 2008
nice knots for nice puma’s
Koka on July 23, 2008
I had no idea there were so many options. I am going to switch up my laces tonight.
Kham Tran on July 23, 2008
I didn’t even know that there were so many ways to tie shoe laces!
b! on July 26, 2008
Wow!!! I’m going to switch up my laces now xD
lucassio on July 27, 2008
Fat Guy on July 27, 2008
They are cool!
Bookmarking for later!
taryn on July 29, 2008
wow that is freakin sweet!
Nishi on July 30, 2008
I think I will stick with the Bi-Colour thanks.
Paul on August 2, 2008
As an experiment, I laced both of my shoes differently and waited to see how long it took someone to notice. It lasted about 4 months before someone noticed. Then, in a freak coincidence, the same day another person noticed too.
I want to try the Checkerboard, but it looks tough
Avtarsingh on August 3, 2008
I like Most….
Sebastyne on August 4, 2008
Hey this is cool! Not that I would necessarily use it on my sneakers, but that would be cool to use on lace back wedding dresses I make – Never thought of that, did you?
Dinh Toan on August 4, 2008
Cool! They are incredible. Thanks a lot.
Rekha on August 4, 2008
Hmm really really interesting and innovative ideas..Thanks
Pramsthesh Borkotoky on August 4, 2008
I was proud that I knew how to tie my shoe laces.
Now I m not!!!
smarty7 on August 6, 2008
Really fun stuff
i AM really impressed.
Awesome tricks!!
I like the checkboard style!!
GeologyJoe on August 8, 2008
I can remember havin’ the checkboard back in ‘84.
Virginia Brown on August 9, 2008
What a thing to stumble upon in the middle of the night. These are so ultimately ultimate! Who on earth woulda thought??? SO cool!!! AWEsome!!! Thank you!
Best blogs on August 11, 2008
Still laughing. I have to try a few of these – thanks
Manuel on August 11, 2008
Im going to try some of these. XD
oMan on August 13, 2008
How to tie your shoe laces?:
I used to tie my running shoes by the F: sawtooth way. it is simple and useful.
Stella on August 14, 2008
I think my 17 year old son will be impressed with this !!!
Varun Mahajan on August 15, 2008
Awesome Work…
I, myself owns a shoe store, but never knew there were so many types to do this…
ivy on August 17, 2008
this is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111
ceci on August 20, 2008
hey this was so awesome love it
taylor on September 4, 2008
This has helped me so much!! We had to do a “how to” lecture in Speech class and ichose to teach “how to tie your shoes” hopefully this keeps the class intrested!!
Optimized press release service on September 4, 2008
Wow. This is a cool one
So I have more ideas on how to tie my shoelaces. ahaha.
Pushkar on October 3, 2008
Fantastic, never thought we can do so much with these simple shoe laces. really awesome and artistic.
Game Economy on October 10, 2008
Rockin’ it like the way we used to do. Very nice. Reminds me of my first shelltoes and sitting for hours with black and white laces trying to get that Run DMC look just right.
Lena ;) on October 13, 2008

I want to try it on my shoes
Pramathesh on October 22, 2008
Quite an information huh!
mehmet on October 24, 2008
Hmm really really interesting and innovative ideas..Thanks
ResilientHeart on October 25, 2008
Wow – this sure puts a spin on the usual lacing of shoes! I only know one way, the way my Dad taught me when I was a little girl. Thanks for the neat education and for bringing a sweet childhood memory to mind.
Blessings, RH
Scott on October 27, 2008
Cool! Now I can re-do the insane lacing that my shoe store gives me when I buy new shoes…with confidence!
Kelwin on October 30, 2008
Great ideas. Too bad I no longer wear shoes with shoelaces.
Ömür UÇUM on October 31, 2008
cool man thngx
Rosalyn Loxley on November 5, 2008
All the different ways to tie shoe laces was quite impressive.
I would never have come up with most of them.Pretty neat!
Mohd Atif on November 7, 2008
I like the first way !
Ideas Loading on November 8, 2008
ahh..a very unique post
cool i love it! can i share this one? thanks!
Pláza Kuponok on November 9, 2008
Hey, these ties are great! Thx!
Sexy Cheese on November 17, 2008
No way. I thought there was only one way to tie your shoes. Very cool.
Grimlyn on December 11, 2008
I’ve done the “D. Loopback” On my Converse hightops with strings that are black on one side and red on the other. The effect is that the bottom horizontal string is black, then the stings going up are red, the next strings going out are black, and so on. Think Converse hightops, the usual white part of rubber is black, and all the stitching is done in red. Add the black and red strings. Ugghhhh, a gothy, emo, Converse to kill for.
Anthony on December 29, 2008
The Taj Mahal is awesome. Niagara Falls is awesome. Tying shoelaces is not awesome. Learn more words, for God’s sake.
Alyssa on December 31, 2008
this website is Saweet and is da BOMBE!!
connor on February 2, 2009
this is awesome
g on March 26, 2009
Very cool! I´m gonna try one or two out.
tejo on April 9, 2009
hmm… there’s so many combination! nice
slashlu on April 27, 2009
wow,useful method.i like tie very much
ashly on May 6, 2009
I taught myself to tie a bow yesterday and i was proud of myself….and now i saw this website and i cant stop laughing at myself
ashly on May 6, 2009
i tried the checkerboard with 3 colors purple orange and black and it looked amazing all my friends comented
lee on May 18, 2009
hi this is a cool web site i like the one that is caled checkerboard it is on my shoe and is is good
jitendra bharai on June 17, 2009
Interesting indeed!I have tried a few ways myself.
Just great stuff.
lil on July 1, 2009
heey i cant do the last one!!
lil on July 1, 2009
noo is not the las its the checkerboard
Phaoloo on July 6, 2009
Very cool, don’t know there are so many ways to tie my shoe
p_q on July 29, 2009
I love this site and this is an awesome post
roldy on August 14, 2009
Checkerboard is pretty cool. I usually use “display.”
Yonce on August 16, 2009
That checkerboard lace is f’d up there’s no ends to tie and there’s no knot between the two colored laces which means there should be 4 ends none of which are shown.
LAME! That would be the coolest one if it were possible.
Brian Macker on August 16, 2009
We used to do one that is like the first one except instead of putting the lace under the other one you send it up through the already once used eye. We also called it the ladder but it was much neater.
G. W. BUSH #43 on August 17, 2009
dag, i just lurned the regular way!!!!!
Tooth Fairy Pocket Pillow on August 23, 2009
Very helpful of you to post information like this for all of us to use.
Evilbelgian on September 2, 2009
Now If I ever get bored with my shoelaces…I know where to come.
gabinho on September 15, 2009
localleeds on September 15, 2009
i never knew that there is so many way to tie your shoe laces.
Kristel Louisa on September 15, 2009
Can someone please help me?
I’ve tried the checkerboard and I didn’t know what to do with the rest of the lace when I finished. I don’t want to tie the lace, I wanna make it tied up so I don’t have to tie my shoes again. Can somebody help me please? It means a lot. Thank you so much.
molly on September 20, 2009
i have done the checkboard on my shoes
looks mint!!!!
thanks alot love it mintage as bubski xx
Kristel Louisa on September 29, 2009
Hello, help me please