Birth of a parrot

Published May 9th, 2007

life of a parrot 1
life of a parrot 2

life of a parrot 3
life of a parrot 4
life of a parrot 5
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life of a parrot 8
life of a parrot 9
life of a parrot 10
life of a parrot 11
life of a parrot 12
life of a parrot 13
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life of a parrot 18
life of a parrot 19
life of a parrot 20
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life of a parrot 22
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life of a parrot 24
life of a parrot 25
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life of a parrot 27
life of a parrot 28
life of a parrot 29
life of a parrot 30
life of a parrot 31

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life of a parrot 33

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  1. Dave on May 9, 2007

    that is amazing. Who would have thought that something that small would turn into such a beautiful creature… thanks for sharing!

  2. Heavens BluAngel on May 9, 2007

    Awesome just Awesome I used to raise baby cockatiels from the egg.

  3. Misha on May 9, 2007

    I have seen baby parrots but never that young before. Neat!

  4. Said Khorram on May 9, 2007

    Very cool and interesting, thanks for sharing that!

  5. mila on May 9, 2007

    where is her Mami? was the bird raised indoors for lab experiments? this looks sad…the bird should be living outdoors, in a nest. these birds live in colonies. thumbs down

  6. Pedantic on May 9, 2007

    It’s a cockatoo, not a parrot, the crest on the top of it’s head is a dead giveaway – although parrots and cockatoos are both members of the psittacine family.

  7. Dr. Tim on May 9, 2007

    Um… that is not a parrot. It is a cockatoo.

  8. Marialuz on May 9, 2007

    Life is Beautiful, and animals make it even better!
    Thank you for such special images.

  9. Barbara on May 9, 2007

    wow! these parrot pics are amazing! thanks for sharing.

  10. roxi on May 9, 2007

    this is really cool, i never knew they were bald…how long is this progression?

  11. venus iscariot on May 9, 2007


  12. Anna on May 9, 2007

    Very interesting!

  13. AmandaKerik on May 9, 2007

    Lovely progression!

  14. phiz on May 9, 2007

    lookin pretty gross there in its molting stage, but ahh..then you get a fullygrown white parrot. nioce.

  15. R. Narayanan on May 9, 2007

    Very sweet thought and dedicated and caring effort on your part. Mostly I get to see only kittens and pups and this is very refreshing. Thanks.

  16. Srinivas on May 9, 2007

    This is really nice. I loved the stages of growth for this parrot. Never knew it would turn to such a beautiful parrot!!! Lovely… I liked it.

  17. CannedChaos on May 9, 2007

    I want that bird. Gimme the bird!! *GRINS* Seriously now, what awesome pics of a beyond beautiful and too cool parrot. It was ALL THAT and then some to see the progress from newly hatched chick to adult. My wife and I have (and have bred) Cockatiels….watching them (and interacting with them) as they go from hatchlings to adults is amazing. ALL THAT SAID, thanks for sharin’.

  18. bump on May 9, 2007

    of all the critters in the world, birds are the ugliest at birth. that thing didn’t look done yet.

  19. Brian on May 9, 2007


    but how do they taste?

  20. sdf on May 9, 2007

    like chicken…

  21. Kate Slater on May 10, 2007

    The bright little eyes! Great pictures. Thanks.

  22. behonce on May 11, 2007

    WOW. Amazing what the wonders of life could do..Truly God’s miracle in the making.

  23. kahita on May 11, 2007

    Thank you for letting me see a small wonder turn into a miracle

  24. LUg on May 11, 2007


  25. nilu on May 11, 2007

    So CUTE! and gross all at the same time, but mostly CUTE!!!
    I do think that having birds inside is kind of sad, but this one looks like it will get love from its human. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Clint on May 12, 2007

    Wow, I didn’t know parrots could be so ugly.

  27. Susan S on May 13, 2007

    Adorable, what an amazing bonding experience . . .

  28. Michelle Spano on May 13, 2007

    This is an Australian Bare Eyed Little Corella. Found on the east and in reaches of Nrth and Sth Australia. I have my own , over 200 species of parrots and cockatoos. I have handraired Little Corellas for over 20 years. I have a name for each one of them. This is exactly how it is watching the different stages of their development. They are truely a beautiful Cockatoo like the Australian Major Mitchells, Galah’s and Sulphurs.

    Australian licenced Ornathologist.
    Senior Inspector for the
    Australian Quarantine Inspection Service and Scientist

  29. Michelle Spano on May 13, 2007

    These are truely beautiful creatures. My whole life’s purpose has been dedicated to the research and care of the Cockatoo. My specialty the Bare eyed little Corella, Long Billed Corella, Major Mitchells, Galah and Sulphurs. Mainly yto the Little Corella family.

  30. Michelle Spano on May 13, 2007

    PS: Those that say that baby birds are ugly at birth. Stop and take a look at your own species.Human babies are not that pretty.In fact much more grosser.Next time you are given an insight on someone’s experience to preserving and handraising a Cockatoo, and showing you the miracle of life of an avian species from egg to a fully fledged magnificent creature take head and never once think or even judge another species as uglier than your own.

  31. TATTRAT on May 14, 2007

    Very cool!

  32. SkitZ on May 15, 2007

    Mila, did you think about why it migt be hand raised? does it look very experimented on to you? maybe its mother was a pet… if that is the case it has no chance in the wild, and neither would its mother.
    this bird is lucky to be alive, so if you want to go putting baby birds out in nests go ahead, you are more cruel than the captors.

    on a lighter note, nice pics. thumbs up

  33. Fran on May 16, 2007

    What a sweet little face. I would love to be you young enough to enjoy a parrot from such a young age. It truly does make a difference in their/our lives!

  34. Samantha on May 16, 2007

    Michelle, thanks for your insightful feedback. Its so true;the human baby, particularly at first birth, is not exactly a thing of pure aesthetic beauty. its the emotions involved that make it gorgeous.

    To my mind, this was a fascinating and comprehensive documentation. I had a pet cockatiel when i was a kid; never have a i had to see the various stages, though.

  35. Cherise Ewing on May 16, 2007

    Absolutely beautiful. Birth is such a miracle!

  36. Deborah on May 16, 2007

    Great pics of transition to adulthood! Very interesting!

  37. Greg on May 17, 2007

    Beautiful. What a happy looking friend.

  38. HenQ on May 18, 2007

    That chicken is all covered with spikes.

  39. Aneesha on June 2, 2007

    dont they change when they grow up……..wat a beauty

  40. Bre on October 22, 2007

    It’s not a little corella, it’s a goffin cockatoo, u should know seen as though u own a corella and breed them, u have no idea. Believe me i love parrots (any hook beak bird)so i should know.

  41. Rhiannon on October 29, 2007

    I’m handraising a Long Billed Corella at the moment. XD Acquired at pin feather two days ago.

    I’ve never raised a pure one – only done a galah/l.b corella hybrid – which SCREAM just as bad. (End result is eventually beautiful though…after the death-threats to them at midnight. J/K ) I’d forgotten about how much they scream. In a panic I wondered whether I was underfeeding the bugger, even though he was damn right full.

    And then I remembered reading in a book Corellas are the exception to “shutting up when full” :p I felt better. He’s quiet now. >_

  42. bob on November 29, 2007

    thats well cool it lokks wierd at first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. Raven & Dray on December 1, 2007

    Beautiful Goffin! So cute. We love baby birds and have hand raised quite a few. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  44. me on December 19, 2007

    This is pretty sweet :)

  45. Ian Fitch-Hundere on December 29, 2007

    such a cutie . . . parrots make me go ou la la !

  46. niaa on January 3, 2008


  47. andrea on January 4, 2008

    I marvel at God’s ideas……..what beauty! I love the comments as well.

  48. Di on January 5, 2008

    There’s only one problem…. It’s not a parrot! But it’s stil cute. :)

  49. Lori on January 12, 2008

    cockatoos arent parrots huh???
    thats the fist Ive heard of that what are they fish

  50. Ken on January 14, 2008

    Great pics. Thanks for sharing. The transformation is amazing. Based on raising my own cockatoo, I’d guess that this is over a span less than 3 months. I was blown away by the development in such a short time. I wish you had dated the pictures.

  51. Andre on January 30, 2008


  52. fenderflip on January 30, 2008

    I don’t usually say this, but.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!!

  53. kris on March 25, 2008

    I breed these guys and my pics are not nealry as funny as yours im gonna frame them!!! Great Eye! Can I hire you!!

  54. Gingergirl on April 4, 2008

    The pictures are really cool. My mom wont let me have a bird because she says they’re too loud for her. These pictures are the closest thing I can get to the real thing. Thanks!!!!!!!!

  55. Courtney on May 13, 2008

    It’s ugly until like the last 5 pictures. Haha

  56. Herbert on July 22, 2008

    It’s a wonderful parrot! Adorable baby shots.

  57. Timmy Z on October 7, 2008

    Obviously photo shopped, you people are fools.

  58. Jill on November 3, 2008

    The sequence of the photos were really amazing and superb! The pictures are real. All parrot lovers and owners can relate and really smile upon seeing the pictures! Its very nice!

  59. Karen on November 4, 2008

    Absolutely adorable!!!

  60. Rosemary on November 21, 2008

    Seriously stunning series of shots there. Ooh alliteration. I have a baby cockateil that i picked out of a bucket of squirming other little pink things and now he boasts a full plumage and rules the roost (no pun intended).

  61. Daniel T on January 16, 2009

    Truly Fascinating, nice job, I raise baby goats and have the opportunity to enjoy life as it develops. This was a good show.

  62. Alberta on January 19, 2009

    uhm. EXCUSE. ME. THIS IS SO OBVIOUSLY NOT A PARROT, or a CORELLA, or a God DAMN COCK-A-TOO! It’s a dinosaur. Duh.

  63. Jody Guarino on January 23, 2009

    This is amazing. It makes me want to get a baby parrot!

  64. rastaman on January 29, 2009

    it looks like a little chicken wing in the first picture. slather on some bbq sauce and get nine more and some pizza.

  65. Julie on February 2, 2009

    no offense, but at the beginning it looked pretty ugly…

  66. Bobby on February 4, 2009

    at first i though it was piece of meat but then it got cute :)

  67. Steven on February 6, 2009

    oh jeez the 2nd picture on this looks like a chicken leg!!

  68. Kendra on February 7, 2009

    Eww. I don’t think there is any hiding the fact that baby birds are hideous.
    It was really interesting seeing it grow and develop feathers, though. I liiiike.

  69. Blake on February 15, 2009

    Definitely a Goffin’s Cockatoo (Tanimbar Corella)…used to own two of them. Great pictures!

  70. Kelli on February 15, 2009

    Awwww!! How precious is he?! Bright playful eyes right from the beginning. So stinkin cute!!

  71. oka Yanalli on February 16, 2009

    A bird is a bird is a bird. These are lovely pictures. Thank you for taking the time to share. In the past I raised cockatiels (for me) and they were a joy, each and every one!

  72. Jess on February 17, 2009

    I thought he was adorable. I think naked little baby birds are so cute, lol. And it was pretty amazing watching him develop like that.

  73. andre on February 18, 2009

    omg that is disgusting!! its so hideous

  74. Amanda on February 20, 2009

    Wonderful you captured all this on film,.. I’ve been through this process with my little ones.. Lovebirds, also naked at birth and then becoming feathery and adorable. There are some strange comments up above and mostly we should look upon them with love as they know not what they are saying.. these are pets like cats, dogs, parented and raised in captivity would not survive in the wild.. You’ve done a great job.. I was up every 3-4 hours when mine were little and were hand-reared. This little one’s awesome, well done!

  75. Ken Silvester on April 8, 2009

    This is fabulous, to see nature from birth to adulthood, and become such a beautiful bird. Your photography is fantastic, you captured it all.

  76. Crazy konrad on May 22, 2009

    that thing was one of the most ugly things ive ever seen before it had any feathers

  77. Jay Rodriguez on June 17, 2009

    he turned out to be beautiful!

  78. lauryn on July 17, 2009

    i thought that was amazing! that baby parrot turned into somthing everyone will love and care about1

    ps that baby turned into a butiful bird!

  79. lauryn on July 17, 2009

    at my dads house we have parrots as well!

  80. John Massengill on August 30, 2009

    Birds have wings they should be free to fly, Are you saving birds to be returned to the wild,other wise it’s selfish, like owning a whale in an aquarium????? This is freedom because you can…

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