Why buy a house?…

Published May 29th, 2008

… when you can have one of these beauties.
why buy a house 1
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  1. Optimized press release service on September 4, 2008

    Omg. I am gonna get one of these!

  2. Jim on March 21, 2009

    Indeed, now if I just had about a million dollars.

  3. RN4072 on March 21, 2009

    Gorgeous! This is how I’d like to roll

  4. Mik on March 21, 2009

    The one with the car that slides underneath is very cool and innovative indeed.

  5. peter on March 21, 2009

    Would love to have one of these now! Ready to get rid of my house and go on the road!!!!

  6. Ben Harden on March 21, 2009

    Wow! that is one cool RV.

  7. MoSes on March 22, 2009

    I think i would buy a house because no one could jump in, hot wire it off and drive off with my entire life.. is that not a good enough reason??

  8. Taranasus on March 22, 2009

    Well, mainly because a house has endless whater suply, elecrticity is not an ishue, and a house dosen’t use 100 liters of gas to the mile.

  9. Gagan on March 22, 2009

    gonaa buy it soon !

  10. benny on March 22, 2009

    you probably feel like god when steering one of these^^

  11. CraZy675 on March 23, 2009

    People buy houses because they are an investment and usually go up in price (unless you live in the USA). Motorhomes and/or RVs depreciate in price.

  12. Seriously on March 23, 2009

    Whats the mpg?

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